I have an over expressed patriotic gene in my body. I love India. I love Delhi. I love my school. I love my college.I love my college fest. I love my college drama society. Phew!
Inspiration is VERY important for my body to function and more often than not this gene provides the very necessary inspiration and keeps me going.
Hence, when we revived the NSIT DramaSoc last year, the chief inspiration was the absence of NSIT’s name from the Delhi Campus Theatre scene. As respect grew for us through these circles, it provided the fuel for train as we steered from one win to another. Ashwamedha-the DramaSoc, frankly I HATE the name, but “kya karein, heritage mein mila” is practically the most active and successful cultural society on campus currently. It commands significant respect from the student community if not utmost, and unlike other initiatives has pretty much managed to stay clear of egotist influences.
I stay committed to the society for no other reason other than that I respect it. I respect its members, who apart from being ultra thass-bhasad-champions have worked to bring it here, and probably value it as much as I do.
“It creates a great disconnect from the other areas of life when you think and sleep theatre”- Mahesh Elkunchwar
Probably that was wrong when I thought Ashwamedha would be given the charge of Moksha Inaugral Play, quite obviously. Moksha is the Annual Cultural festival of NSIT for the uninformed. But alas! Someone else had pressed the buzzer first. The team in a classic example of “bhai-bhatijawaad” gave the play to a ‘friend-of-the-team’. I asked for a change, denied. But fair enough!
What surprised me the most was, when on being asked, if both, their friends and the society can perform, the answer was a clear NO. I had never imagined such protectionism existed outside government offices. It would not have been the first time when the inaugural ceremony would have seen two plays.
Instead I was told to keep my tone low and clear of arrogance when I talk to the ‘Seniors’. They probably mistook frustration for arrogance. I was frustrated because I felt let down by the very person, for who I was working all this while, my muse, my motivation. NSIT.
Disappointed we worked on the next production, Vijay Tendulkar’s Sakharam Binder’s Hindi translation and production. It opened at Amity University and Delhi College of Engineering next. Two first prizes and critical acclaim provided what they call Artistic Orgasm!(courtesy Sukirti Sir).
I still love Moksha. But it’s not OUR Moksha this time. It’s their Moksha, I thought. As people talk about pressing for our case with the team and helping us get the inaug. No Man, I think. It’s not the same stage any longer.
We would rather perform at MAMC on the same day. Atleast they give the money…
Screw'em,if it ain't gonna be us over there,its gonna rain piss all over!
We have it inside us,they don't..its called legacy!
Haha! Chill out fuchche!!
Chill out Dude..they dont deserv ur performance!!
very articulate gulliya! 'mistook frustration for arrogance' this is what i told them! :D @sanjot-tere mooh mein ghee shakkar! :p
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